Altstein Pincus Female Line of Mitochondrial DNA

Oldstein/Altstein/Aldstein/Altsztejn/אלטשטיין/Альтштейн Family Photos

* = shares Mitochondrial DNA

Fanny and her mother Ethel on the beach
circa 1917-1920, Massachusetts or Maine: Fanny Stackowitz* and her mother Ethel Oldstein Stackowitz* at the beach. Claire Supovitz Glovin* collection.

1920 circa Stachowitz Family
1925 circa Stachowitz Family in Maine:
Top: Sam; Middle, L to R: Fanny*, Millie Greenbaum Dultz*, Frances Dultz*, Hyman Dultz*, Ethel Oldstein Stachowitz*, and Isaac.
Front: Jack* and Izzy*. Fanny Supovitz* and Bebe Baer* collection.

1939 circa, London: Freda Bialick*, Isaac Bialick, Rachael Rachael Greenbaum Bialick*, Betsy Waldman*, Lillian Bialick*, John Waldman*. Valerie Kent* collection.


1945 London: L to R: Sarah Aldstein Greenbaum, Freda Bialick Kaye*, Lillian Bialick Rose*, Rachael Greenbaum Bialick*, Valerie Kaye Kent*. Valerie Kent* collection.

July, 1982: Fanny Stachowitz Supovitz*, Randy Baer Lewis*, Melissa Lewis*, and Bebe Supovitz Baer*. Ellen Stack collection.

1997, NJ: Harvard Dultz*, Frances Goldenberg*, Tess Dultz. Valerie Kent collection.

Remembering Bebe
July 22, 2012: Remembering Bebe Supovitz Baer* at Old Orchard Beach, Maine:
L to R: Rear: Stephen Lewis, Len Sobel, Anita Lewis Damiano, Ellen Stack, Steve Baer*, Jonathan Lewis*, Larry Glovin.
Middle: Melissa Lewis Kemen*, Claire Supovitz Glovin*, Julie Glovin*, Randy Baer Lewis*, and Ted Schwartz.
Front: Ella and Sara or Sara and Ella Schwartz*, Jack Schwartz*.

April 27, 2017, Bishops Stortford, UK:
L to R: Valerie Kaye Kent*, Natalie, a Chaytow cousin of Mel's; Barry Kent*; Mel's husband Barry Angel; Melanie Angel*; Sara Kent*.
Valerie was recently tracked down by her first child, Melanie Joy, who was adopted by Ann and Harry Chaytow.

April 30, 2017, Bishops Stortford, Herts, UK: Freda Bialick Kaye* 100th Birthday party (BD was April 27).
L to R: Front row:  Amy Hurst* (Sara's daughter), Freda Kaye*, Lillian Riley* (Freda's sister)
Middle row: Orit Lavee Kent (Barry's wife), Valerie Kent* (Freda's daughter), Leon Hurst* (Sara's son), Tony Riley (Lillian's husband)
Back row: Barry Kent* (Val's son), Jeff, Sara Kent* (Val's daughter)

June 24, 2017, Clavering, Saffron Walden, Essex, UK, The Cricketers: Iris and Eddie Katz visit from the US.
L to R: Sara Kent*, Ed Katz, Iris Goldenberg Katz*, Amy Hurst*, Leon Hurst*, Valerie Kent*

June 24, 2017, Bishops Stortford, Herts, UK: Freda Kaye* and Iris Katz* visit in the garden.


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